- To promote and advocate Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom for all without any discrimination of race, religion, caste, color, sex and language.
- To promote National Integration, Communal Harmony, Universal Brotherhood and Global Peace.
- To promote charitable values, literature, science, art, education and culture.
- To develop and mobilize Community and Natural Resources to give the right direction to people of the marginalized and economically weaker section of the trust for their sustainable development.
- To establish and run the schools (Nuresry, Primary and Matriculation etc.) for the welfare and uplift of the needy children.
- To work with special concentration for the Child & Women Welfare and take up Health, Educational and Welfare programmes for needy Women and children on priority basis.
- To conduct research studies on the social a economic conditions of people with a view to involving ways and means for their development within their social historical frame works and to seek promotion of rural development such as provision of drinking water rural industrialization as well as Public Convenience for people.
- To educate and train the farmers to adopt the sustainable way of farming, water management, watershed management, Herbal plantation and processing for the upliftment of small famers.
- To undertake, organize, conduct and facilitate, Courses, conferences, lectures, researchs and education on various aspects and of science, technology, trust and other fields.
- To train the downtrodden people in general for human resource development in view of the emerging needs such as database development, resource survey methodologies, computer, environmental, studies, health, education, and energy problems.
- To undertake and promote the publication & translation of journal, research papers and books and to develop the audiovisual programme to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the objectives of the trust.
- To encourage and promote family welfare activities among needy people.
- To aid or establish any Educational institution/Colleges like technical arts and science, medical institutes, polytechniques, engineering, community colleges etc.and other related fields for the benefit of downtrodden and weaker sections of the society.
- To arrange and provide medical aid and other assistance necessary for living to the needy people who are incapable or handicapped or mentally/physically retarded and financially unfit.
- To start and assist the relief measures in those parts of the country which become effected to natural calamities like famine, fire flood, earthquakes etc.
- To arrange / establish and maintain centers /institutions of vocational education technical training, low cost education, formal & non-formal education for weaker sections of the society
- To promote and protect Indian Traditional music, dance, handicraft, handlooms, Art, modern art & literature by centres .
- To provide basic medical facility, sanitation, general health care and other needful support which can be helpful for public to overcome sufferings and agony of any natural and manmade disaster and to facilitate them to rehabilitate.
- To provide and facilitate legal assistance to underprivileged and poor section of trust to fight for their rights and justice.
- To help poor, widows, handicapped, orphans, old aged, mentally retired and under privileged section of the society.
- To open / run / manage institute / collage of higher / professional / vocation education in any part of the country in the name of Marutham for providing quality education and training among youth.
- To establish / run / manage hospitals, health centres, mobile health clinics, research centre to provide health care, counseling and referral services for all kinds of illness and deceases, fight against HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases and provide various medical services such as organizing health and awareness camps of Immunization, Eye Care, Motherhood and Child Care
- To establish, build or manage Hostels, Short Stay Homes, Rehabilitation Centers, Shelters, Crèches, Child Care Centre or Children’s Home, Councelling Centers and Help Line Centers for Women, Children, Old aged persons, Drug addicts and needy persons.
- To work for the welfare of Agricultural workers, Farmers, Unorganized Labours, Industrial Labours and Migrated Labours.
- To form women groups, youth groups, self help groups; old aged groups, adolescent groups, children groups/clubs, community leaders groups and group of volunteers.
- To promote traditional games along with the contemporary sports among youth & others. Also the trust will undertake Road Safety activities individually or in association with Govt. Non Govt. departments
- To work against the exploitation of Animals & Birds and make sincere efforts to protect them.
- To establish research centers on Life sciences, Nano technology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics etc….for science and technology development and to publish research journals, science magazines and newsletters etc.
- To establish farmers training centers, youth clubs, science clubs etc for various promotional activities.
- To apply grant from government, non-governmental, nationalized banks. Individuals SIDBI, HDFE, NABARD, ICICT, RASHTRIYA MAHILA KOSIH, ECL OF INDIA. Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry of Environmental & Forests, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Ministry of Family Welfare & Health central Social welfare Board, CAPART, DRDA, RDA,CCRYN,DSIR, and aboard.