World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29 every year. This day is raised to create awareness among people about cardiovascular diseases (CVD). CVD is the world’s leading cause of death claiming nearly 17.9 million lives each year. Our diet and lifestyle play a major role in maintaining our heart health. The heart foundation in partnership with the World Heart Federation is calling on peoples to increase their physical activity in order to protect their heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) including heart diseases and stroke. While age increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD), is also increased, which is touted as the number one killer in both men and women globally as well as in India, experts suggest. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CVDs (coronary heart disease, stroke, and hypertension) contribute to 45 per cent of all non-communicable disease- related deaths followed by chronic respiratory disease (22 per cent), cancers (12 per cent) and diabetes (three per cent).Nearly 80 per cent of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable, but the preventive measures should begin early. Preventive measures like avoiding of smoking, taking healthy diet, regular exercise, maintaining an ideal weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels should begin from a very young age.
Symptoms of Heart Failure
The clinical symptoms includes the following
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Palpitations
- Swelling of leg
- Excess sweating
Risk Factors of Heart attack
- Blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Smoking & Alcohol
- Sedentary life style
- Unhealthy life
- Stress
- Lack of physical exercise
- Hypertension
- Obesity & overweight
- High blood cholesterol
- Pollution
Reducing tobacco consumption, eating healthy foods and doing plenty of exercise reduces the risk of heart diseases
Foods Bad for Heart
- Trans fat
- Red meat (mutton, beef & pork)
- Egg yolk
- Excess salt
- Sugar
- Junk food
- Oily food
Heart Friendly Foods
- Oats
- Nuts (Almonds, pista, cashew)
- Dates
- Berries
- Legumes
- Salmon fishes
- Green tea
- Dark chocolate
Heart disease is mainly caused by the build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances on the artery walls known as atherosclerosis. This build-up begins from a young age and leads to blockage where the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the requirement of the body’s tissue. Women tend to have a slightly delayed onset of heart disease compared to men. “They have some unique risk factors like relatively high testosterone levels prior to menopause, increasing hypertension during menopause, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. A proper diet reduces various disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
How to make a Healthy Heart
We live till our heart lives. For a healthy heart one must do the following instructions
- Aerobic exercise
- Eat balanced diet
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid drinking alcohol & smoking
- Stop using tobacco
- Avoid junk foods
- Practice yoga daily
- Maintain appropriate weight to your height